Most of the times we like to advise our customers not to worry so much. After all mother nature is wise and will take care of most of the issues on its own. In some particular cases though we can really help her out by making sure that trees have the best chance to continue to grow and have healthy lifespans. In other circumstances we may just need to cut their lifespan short as keeping the tree upright can cause a lot more damages than benefits down the line. The advantage that we bring to the table compared to other treescapers is that we won’t just come in and cut a tree down without first making sure we take all of the variables into consideration. Our decisions are based on knowledge and experience.
Tree Removal, Tree Disposal
Part of our overall maintenance services includes tree removal of course. This fits right into what we are talking about with things in nature every action will have a reaction. Perhaps removing a certain will leave your home more susceptible to wind, or allow snow to pile up higher during a storm. All of these things have to be taken into consideration before we just take out the ax and chop it down.
Tree Pruning, Tree Chipping, Tree Bracing
We, of course, cover this service at greater length in our pruning page, but it is also part of our maintenance services. Pruning a tree is not only a job that has to take looks and design into consideration. We will also prune trees to make them less of a threat to installations around the home that they could potentially damage if they get too long. We can also prune them to make sure that they will be ready to take on upcoming storms!
Tree Doctor
Our guys are not landscapers they are
tree doctors. As we’ve touched upon in other sections we will come in and make a detailed assessment of each situation. If you have a pest infected tree, for example, the problem may not be fixed by just getting it removed. Pesticides may need to be applied before the removal and obviously if we believe that the tree can still possibly be saved. The main focus when an issue like this occurs is on not allowing the pests to infect another tree or even areas around your house.
Setting Up Recurring Appointments
To make sure that your trees and bushes remain well taken care of we can set up recurring appointments twice or once a month. This will allow our guys the opportunity to spot potential problems as they are developing. This will improve their chances of catching problems early and make repairs a lot easier and less costly over time. Plus, at Oshawa Tree Care we want you to rely on us as your go-to company for all tree care services. What better way to do that then to have us pay you constant visits?
Serving Pickering | Ajax | Whitby | Oshawa and the surrounding areas
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